All Blog Posts in the JavaScript Category

Lab as a Service in DAZN

I'm incredibly proud to share the outstanding work our team has accomplished recently in upgrading our testing lab infrastructure.

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Integrating Azure AD Authentication in Your Next.js App Using MSAL

Learn how to integrate Azure AD authentication into your Next.js app using MSAL library for security and user management.

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GitHub Actions for Dynamic Cross-Platform Testing

Automate cross-platform testing with GitHub Actions, using dynamic matrices for efficient, targeted tests.

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Explore Mocking In Node.js Using Sinon

Unit testing and mocking in Node.js with Sinon, get familiar with basic Spies, Stubs, Fakes, and Mocks, concepts.

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API Validation with AJV and Json Schema

AJV & Json Schema, a generic yet effective method for JavaScript API request validation

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Testing REST API with Cypress is easy

Most common use cases of are UI & Visual testing. But, employing Cypress for testing REST APIs can also be quite efficient.

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You Should Really Use Map When Possible

The advantages of using Map in JavaScript over other Data Types

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Leverage Rewire for Unit Testing in Node.js

Unit testing in Node.js can be challenging. After trying various libraries, I found Rewire to be the most practical for testing purposes

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