All Blog Posts in the General Category

Lab as a Service in DAZN

I'm incredibly proud to share the outstanding work our team has accomplished recently in upgrading our testing lab infrastructure.

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CORS - Introduction For The New FE/BE Developer

I can assure you that one of the first issues you'll encounter when testing your newly developed product will be CORS. So what is CORS exactly?

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Why Makefile is One of My Essentials Tools in Every Software Project

Makefiles are a cornerstone tool in the software development process, particularly useful for streamlining and automating the build process.

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Markdown Linters for Your Docs Repo

Do you have a repo that contains important documentation? Streamline your documentation with Markdown linters to enhance documentation quality.

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Monitor Your Hosted Local Machines with OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib

Learn how to seamlessly integrate OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib with Coralogix for efficient monitoring of local hosted machines.

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Linux Process Prioritization with Niceness

Get to know the Linux process priority and Niceness.

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Leverage Pre-Commit Hooks to Improve Your Git Workflow

Discover how pre-commit hooks streamline workflows, ensure code quality, and simplify collaborations using a real-world example.

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Customizing Your Git Log Output

By customizing your git log output, you can make your Git logs look exactly the way you want which could make your life easier.

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My 100 Days of Code Journey

The 100 days of code is a true challenge. I've decided to take it on and document my journey.

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My QA Manifest As a QA Team Lead/Manager

As a former QA Engineer/Team Lead/Manager, I've learned a lot about the QA world. Here are my thoughts on what makes an excellent QA team

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Why You Should Switch or Embrace Linux Right Now

Linux opens possibilities, ignites curiosity & unlocks potential. For me, switching to a Linux distro resulted with a transition from QA a SW dev

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Y2K Bug: A Look Back at a Critical Moment in Software Development History

Explore the Y2K Bug that threatened global systems at the dawn of the 21st century and understand its impact on software development

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Using Secrets or Private Environment Variables? .env is the Answer

How can we hide API keys, secrets and passwords in our code, especially if pushing our code to an external repository? How can we run an applicati ...

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